4/13/23: Congratulating Liam Bingham-Maas, who successfully defended his Master’s Thesis this morning

Factors Governing Triglyceride Digestion Kinetics and Implications for Dissolution of Co-Dosed Hydrophobic Drugs

Liam studied triglyceride digestion kinetics using an in vitro model of intestinal lipolysis, in addition to considering their implications for the dissolution of hydrophobic drugs in related studies. He aims to expand mechanistic models of these processes and characterize their relationships with various factors to improve understanding of the complex drug-lipid interactions in the intestinal environment. Applications include predicting pharmacokinetic profiles with concurrent food ingestion and enabling the rational design of lipid-based formulations.

Liam will be working at Lyndra Therapeutics moving forward – we will miss him in our lab and department, but look forward to keeping in touch and following what I have no doubt will be a highly successful career! Big thanks to Mansoor Amiji and Ambika Bajpayee for serving on Liam’s thesis committee, as well as Dr. Oljora Rezhdo for working very closely with and advising Liam throughout his thesis research.