Congratulating Dr. Ian Smith on his PhD Dissertation Defense!

Congratulations to Ian Smith on the successful completion of his dissertation, titled “A Primary Intestinal Model to Assay Lymphatic Drug Transport.” Ian’s research presents a novel approach by proposing the use of primary small intestinal epithelia as an alternative to the traditional Caco-2 cultures for assaying lymphatic drug transport. His work advances our understanding of chylomicron synthesis, secretion, and the transport of lymphotropic small molecules.

This work has applications in the development of in vitro-in vivo correlations between lymph-cannulated animals which will greatly assist preclinical programs. Beyond the realm of drug delivery, Ian’s research also opens up possibilities for studying intestinal lipoprotein formation and exploring potential interventions for dyslipidemia diseases.

Congratulations, Ian, on this remarkable accomplishment! We will miss Ian very much and cannot wait to see where his next adventures take him!

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